Reducing the Potential to Spread Aquatic Invasive Species Via the Seaplane Pathway
A project funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and implemented by:

The Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) Task Force implements the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act (NANPCA) and the National Invasive Species Act by preventing the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species; monitoring aquatic invasive species; controlling aquatic invasive species; researching methods that improve how aquatic invasive species is monitored, controlled, managed, and eradicated; coordinating with agencies and entities; and public outreach.
This project is intended to:
Help the ANS Task Force reduce the risk of impacts of aquatic invasive species through the seaplane pathway by engaging with seaplane pilots and seaplane/seaplane equipment manufacturers in the lower 48 and Alaska to help prevent the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species
Improve the ability of seaplane pilots to lessen the spread of aquatic invasive species by developing best management practices that will be accepted and used by pilots
Assess the risk of aquatic invasive species spread by the seaplane pathway in different regions of the United States
Compile and share all information garnered through this research.

Compile scientific literature, information, and statistics on U.S. seaplanes and aquatic invasive species
Compile aquatic invasive species information and outreach on seaplane self-inspection protocols
Compile regulations governing U.S. seaplane use nationally and at the state levels
Compile U.S.G.S. and iMapInvasives aquatic invasive species data distribution of high priority AIS species
Identify, quantify, and map U.S. waterbodies used by seaplanes
Create a project website
Describe social, environmental, and ecosystem impacts of aquatic invasive species and the potential effects of climate change for increasing the spread of aquatic invasive species via seaplanes

Survey seaplane pilots to identify travel patterns on a regional basis and to assess knowledge and awareness of seaplanes as a potential aquatic invasive species pathway; assess knowledge and use of seaplane inspection and decontamination protocols; understand challenges to implementing protocols; document design changes to floats and other equipment that could reduce, or eliminate, spread of aquatic invasive species; and identify willingness to inspect and decontaminate prior to visiting waterbodies
Describe the most likely aquatic invasive species to be transported by seaplanes in 8 different regions of the country
Develop case studies

Draft best management practices to reduce the risk of aquatic invasive species transport by seaplanes, then share with seaplane operators via 8 focus group meetings in 8 regions of the United States to obtain feedback
Share and obtain feedback on proposed BMPs.
Host a “Think Tank” summit to explore and discuss potential redesign of seaplane equipment design that could be considered

Create and share the final report and recommendations via the website, and present recommendations to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and ANS Task Force
January - February 2025